CENAGIS - Centre for Scientific Geospatial Analyses and Satellite Calculations together with laboratories for testing and certification of geomatic products (CENAGIS)
Beneficiary – Warsaw University of Technology
Project value – PLN 24 796 850.20
EU funds contribution – PLN 18 792 267.62
Project implementation period – January 2019 – December 2021
Programme - the European Regional Development Fund, within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme for masovian district in the years 2014-2020, Priority axis 1 “Exploitation of research and development activity in the economy”, Measure 1.1 “Development of the R&D infrastructure of the scientific sector”.
The CENAGIS project will be implemented by a scientific and industrial consortium consisting of: Warsaw University of Technology (Consortium Leader), OPEGIEKA Research and Development Centre from Elbląg (Scientific Partner), as well as Hexagon and Cloudferro (Industrial Partners).
The goal of the project is to create a nationwide centre of geospatial scientific analyses at a global level, using the latest technologies, in particular geoinformatics and IT, allowing remote access to a wide range of scientists and cooperating innovative technology enterprises. The main idea of geospatial scientific analysis will be to develop new models and algorithms for data analysis for use in industry, services and public administration.
As part of the implementation, a scientific geospatial data repository will be created for the whole of Poland and a computational centre with virtual research laboratories and access to collected spatial data. Spatial data will be subjected to harmonisation processes, and users will gain unique configuration options on request, virtual machines with adequate computing power, selected GIS software, appropriate disk space, and primarily with configured access to appropriate spatial data sets. The analytical platform will be created to ensure its openness, so that it can be developed in subsequent years of use of CENAGIS by scientists cooperating with the Centre and implementing various scientific projects.
In addition to the IT infrastructure, physics laboratories will also be created, enabling testing of both measuring equipment and geoinformation applications.
CENAGIS will facilitate the cooperation of various environments in the field of scientific research related to the harmonisation and analysis of geospatial data from many sources and institutions. These activities will increase the integration of the scientific community in order to conduct interdisciplinary research at a global level based on spatial data.
The role of OPEGIEKA Research and Development Centre will be to conduct works related to the IT architecture of the entire project and its technical feasibility.